Fill It Up
Provide For Children In Need
Sometimes kids just need the right stuff – a storybook, new pencils, or a set of mittens! As a United Way volunteer, you can help get them what they need by filling up a bag or a box with necessary supplies to support them and help them feel taken care of.

Ready-to-Go Bags
Each summer, the BIG GIVE raises thousands of bags of schools supplies for elementary school children in need. Each bag contains about $25 worth of supplies. Sign up for this year's BIG GIVE begins on July 1st.

Winter Warmth Bags
Each December, volunteers fill bags with scarves, hats, gloves, chapstick, underwear and socks for children in need. Sign Up for Winter Warmth Bags begins on November 1st.

Good Night Boxes
Throughout the year, volunteers fill these boxes with comfort items for children who have experienced trauma, often when they are in transition – moving into a shelter, a temporary home or rebuilding after a house fire.